Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Networking and Clammy Palms

Tomorrow night the group will be venturing out into the networking world and crashing the Young Advertising Professional's (YAP) Happy Hour Party. This is the second outside networking event that we have attended as a group, as we try to make it to a least one outside event a month. Why do we travel in groups to these events? Well there are a few obvious reasons for this: 1. To promote the IUS Ad club and not-so-well-known IUS advertising department to local advertising agencies and other companies 2. Networking is a huge fear for college students and participating in a group helps relieve some of that apprehension.

Although the idea of networking with a group of people you are familiar with can greatly cut down on anxiety, there are a few other tips and tricks that will hopefully at least keep your palms from sweating profusely as you approach a networking event.

  1. Dress Comfortably – Most networking events (especially those that occur after typical work hours) harbor a more relaxed atmosphere than an office setting or business meeting. I am not recommending sweatpants or hats, but if you are more comfortable in flats or not wearing a tie don't be afraid to show up to the event that way.
  2. Have a Business Card – Even if you are still a student or employed in a position that doesn't require you to have a business card – make your own! It might seem nerdy at first to make a "networking-business" card with only your personal contact information (and the IUS Ad club Logo – winner to be announced this Friday!); but business cards are a great way for people to remember your name after meeting you.
  3. Drink a glass of Wine - To minimize possible criticism let me specify that only students above the age of 21 should consider using this tip. Legalities aside, a simple glass of wine is usually enough to lower a person's inhibitions so that they are more comfortable with talking to complete strangers. This can also work in reverse effect, where too many glasses of wine can turn you into a spectacular. Just know your tolerance and limit.
  4. BE YOURSELF!! – If you want to be remembered, be genuine. People don't recall cookie-cutter, rehearsed conversations. Instead use humor, wittiness, and original conversation.

Now that your palms are hopefully less clammy, who's looking forward to the next event?!

(Please feel free to comment on additional tips or tricks you've learned from your own networking experiences.)